
About us

Institut Africain de Suivi et Évaluation d'Impact des Politiques Programmes et Projets de Développement (African Institute for Monitoring and Impact Evaluation of Development Policies, Programs and Projects) brings together a pool of national and international experts who provide technical support tailored to decision-makers and political authorities in terms of evidence-based monitoring and impact evaluation.

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Design of digital monitoring and evaluation systems

Le Baromètre offers unique expertise in monitoring-evaluation and digitalization. To this end, we provide : Conception integrated, dynamic systems for monitoring and evaluating the impact of public policies development programs and projects; Conception mobile applications for data collection, analysis and results visualization results; Gestion and analysis of integrated and dynamic databases; Visualisation real-time data analysis results on computers, tablets and phones in the form of Dashboards, Geoportals and/or statistics; Maintenance digital monitoring and evaluation systems; Fourniture phones and tablets dedicated to the digital monitoring and evaluation system; Fourniture and management of server space for M&E systems. To ensure that the systems designed by Le Baromètre are properly mastered, we provide capacity-building for players and stakeholders in the management of monitoring and evaluation systems and digitalized information systems.


Institutional and individual capacity building

For several years now, the Le Baromètre institute has been working to promote institutional and individual skills in the field of monitoring, evaluation and digitization of information systems. For its partner institutions, Le Baromètre offers a range of support services including: Le needs assessment; Le capacity-building in monitoring-evaluation for the managers of these institutions, including modules on "Fundamentals of monitoring-evaluation", "Project impact assessment methods" and "Theory of change development and reconstruction". In terms of individual capacity-building, Le Baromètre offers the following: Specific capacity-building in data collection through its Certificat de qualification au métier d'Assistant de recherche à la collecte des données; The Camp des Evaluateurs Emergents francophones, an annual, itinerant melting pot designed to create pools of expertise in host countries.


Technical support and advice on monitoring-evaluation and impact assessment

Le Baromètre provides decision-makers and other development players with its pool of technical skills for support in : Etude project evaluation, evaluation of monitoring and evaluation systems; Echantillonnage ; Conception digital tools for data collection; Collecte digital data; Elaboration theory of change; Analyse evaluation data; Conduite impact evaluation studies; Conduite evaluation studies for monitoring and evaluation organizations; Conseils and strategic orientations in the formulation, analysis and evaluation of public policies, development programs and projects.


Formulation, Analysis and Evaluation

Formulation, analysis and impacts evaluation of policy, programs and projects de développement

About the Barometer Innovation Center

We specialize in tailoring solutions to meet the specific needs of each organization. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.
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Our solutions


BAROMETRE NUTRITION has been designed to collect, monitor and analyze data on a subject's nutritional status.

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BAROMETRE-ODD has been designed to monitor the dynamics of the SDGs in real time, whether at local, departmental or national level. whether at municipal, departmental or national level.

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The "agro-climato Barometer" is an innovative digital solution used in various sectors, including agriculture. It enables parameters such as air and soil humidity, soil and air temperature, wind speed and greenhouse gas levels to be measured and monitored in real time. By combining this data with weather prediction models, the Agro-climato Barometer helps farmers and other players in the sector to make informed decisions to optimise their practices, increase their productivity and reduce their environmental impact.

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The Baromètre des Communes is an innovative, dynamic computerised digital platform for the implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Communal Development Plan (CDP) and the flagship projects of the decentralised local authorities of Benin and French-speaking Africa".

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Have more info : info@piebarometre.com



28 Feb


Food insecurity, as in many African countries, remains a major challenge for Benin. Affecting thousands of households, initiatives are being...

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27 Feb


CA-Y-EST!!! THE FIRST QUARTER 2025 WEBINAR IS HERE! 🎯 Theme: Professional networks in impact monitoring and evaluation: why and how...

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17 Nov

Camp Annuel des Evaluateurs Emergents Francophones - 7th edition17

The Camp Annuel des Evaluateurs Emergents Francophones is an intensive six-day training course designed to enhance the skills and knowledge...

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03 Nov

Camp des Evaluateurs Emergents Francophones - Ivory Coast 20240311

The Institut Le Baromètre in partnership with the Réseau Ivoirien des Évaluateurs Émergents (RI2E) and the Réseau Ivoirien du Suivi...

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24 Oct


Join us as we explore current practices and the steps required to effectively integrate these tools into prodoc development, taking...

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15 Oct

Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle in data collection and management in...

Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle en Collecte et Gestion des Données en Économie de Développement ! 👉 To register: kloo.me/certipbarometre Training...

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Customers & Partners
