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Food insecurity, as in many African countries, remains a major challenge for Benin. Affecting thousands of households, initiatives are being taken on a daily basis to reduce this scourge. Nutrition For Life invites you to learn more about this issue through a webinar. This webinar, entitled ‘Reducing food insecurity in Benin: Strategies put in place by stakeholders’, will provide an opportunity to learn more about the issue. will provide an opportunity to - describe the roles of public policy and scientific research in the fight for food security and food security - explain how projects/programmes aimed at improving food security are monitored and evaluated food security Renowned experts and personalities involved in the fight for food security, will share their experience and knowledge with us.

Join us on 28 February from 2pm using the following Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ydq-cpax-gsa

We look forward to seeing you there! 
