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Annual Camp for Emerging Francophone Evaluators - 1st edition

Institut Africain de Suivi et Evaluation d'Impact des Politiques Programmes et Projets de Développement, Le BAROMETRE, in partnership with the United Nations System (UNS), the Ministry of State in charge of Planning and Development of Benin, the Centre CLEAR Afrique Francophone, the Town Hall of the commune of Bohicon - Benin and Action pour l'Environnement et le Développement Durable (ACED) is organising the Annual Camp for Emerging Francophone Evaluators on the theme "Formulation Analysis and Evaluation of Public Policies less than a decade away from the SDGs: Theory and Practical Application in a Francophone West African Environment".

Date and duration: 22 to 27 November 2021 for a period of six (06) days.

Location: The camp will take place on site in Bohicon, Benin, and participants will be provided with accommodation and care. Objective: The camp aims to:

- Familiarise participants with methods for developing and analysing public policies, particularly those related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

- Improve participants' ability to design and use monitoring and evaluation tools;

- Promote coaching and mentoring for emerging evaluators.

Content of the camp: The work of the camp will focus on six (06) areas

- Technical training at "beginner" and "intermediate" levels.

- Intergenerational panels on development issues and challenges related to the implementation of the SDGs, the evaluation culture and its challenges in French-speaking Africa.

- Applications and immersion in a real environment: Practical work on the application of situation analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaire administration will be organised in the field.

- Ice-breaker activities: Participants will play games based on the themes covered during the camp.

- Networking and coaching

- Mentoring

Profile of participants: Those eligible to take part in this Camp are those interested in the formulation, analysis and evaluation of public policies, programmes and projects, and who have basic but not in-depth experience in one of these areas.

Language: French

Registration fees: Flat-rate symbolic fee of twenty-five thousand (25,000) CFA francs.
