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National Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation Camp

The Institut Africain de Suivi et Evaluation d'Impact des Politiques Programmes et Projets de Développement (BAROMETRE), in partnership with the High Commission for the Modernisation of the State of Niger and with the support of several technical and financial development partners, is organising the Camp National d'Analyse et d'Evaluation des Politiques Publiques. Theme: Appropriation of the concept of analysis and evaluation of public policies for local development: methodological issues and challenges

Date and duration: 14 to 18 November 2022 for a period of five (05) days.

Location: The camp will take place in Dosso, Niger.

Objective: The camp aims to :

Strengthen the capacity of stakeholders in public policy analysis and evaluation;

Equip stakeholders with innovative systems for monitoring and evaluating development policies, programmes and projects;

Organise a dialogue on access to and use of evidence in the formulation and implementation of public policies, particularly in relation to the SDGs;

To create a reference framework that will enable participants to have access to a pool of high-level French-speaking evaluators who will be able to accompany them and provide them with technical support on request, even after the Camp.
