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WEBINAR: Promoting public-private partnerships in monitoring and evaluation in French-speaking Africa.

In its regalian role, the State often relies on the private sector to produce the evidence that is essential for the formulation, evaluation and analysis of public policies. But this kind of collaboration, which is essential for development, is sometimes tricky and even conflictual. During this webinar of the 4th quarter of 2022, the Institut Africain de Suivi et Évaluation d'Impact des Politiques Programmes et Projets de Développement invites you to discover the opportunities and challenges of public-private partnerships for the production and use of evidence in French-speaking Africa.

Date: 20 December 2022

Time: 13:00 to 14:30 (GMT+1)

Place: Google meet

Panelist 1  

Mr Abdelfettah HAMADI: Director of Information Systems at the National Observatory for Human Development (ONDH), Morocco

Panelist 2:

Dr David SOHINTO: Managing Director of Cosinus Conseils, Benin


Mr GOUNOU Abdoulaye: Deputy Director General of Evaluation and the Observatory of Social Change, Benin
